Welcome to the Haven of Dreams, where stories written by Duchess and others can be found. Please feel free to contact me at Duchess585@hotmail.com.  

  Last updated: December 1, 2002

    ~Duchess: Chapter 24 of "Prelude..."

    ~Others: deleted old links


Where to find back chapters if this site isn't working: 

* If you read my stories on the A Little More Time Fics or Nsynczcrib mailing lists, you can search the archives of the egroups.

* If that doesn't work, feel free to mail me.




~ I apologize profusely for my lack of updates. Two months is a long, long time to wait, and I'm very sorry for that. For those of you who don't already know why I didn't update in such a long time, it was because I'm very busy right now with schoolwork and college applications. Thank goodness we have Thanksgiving break. I want to thank Farzana, Beth, Kim, Sara, Tiny Tony, Katie, Wildfire, Dana, Elizabeth, and Stefanie for emailing me and reminding me that I have to get writing!


~ All right, here's the news on what's coming after "Prelude to a Kiss" wraps up (if that ever happens). I received lots of responses to my "Justin or Lance story?" question, and it was pretty evenly split. So I've decided to write a story that features both of these two in major romantic roles, which means two main female characters. I don't have a title for the new story yet, but I'm already writing up bits of the plot. I haven't decided if I'll start on the new story and keep updating "Prelude," or wait until "Prelude" is done first. 


~ I am in serious need of links, especially banner links. If you have a site, let me know!


~ For those of you who are interested, write me an email and I'll add you to my mailing list for future updates. (Duchess585@hotmail.com


~ So I was sitting around today...and I got to wondering. Will I ever get an award? Ever? It seems like even the cruddy stories get awards. Now, I'm not saying that either "Pennies from Heaven" or "Prelude to a Kiss" are works of literary genius, but awards make an author feel warm and cozy inside, and I've gotten lots of positive feedback. What am I lacking? Hmm...



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